Take a dive into Ocean’s Blue and learn about ocean life the Carmelo the Science Fellow way. Work with animals like fiddler crabs, green crabs, and the always popular horseshoe crab. Construct your own aquarium and see exactly how important an ocean ecosystem really is. Dig through our Cosmic Cove soil and discover a variety of shark teeth and see why these predators are so feared. Make fish rubbings and preserve some really cool fish pictures. Make an ocean in a bottle and see how fierce the ocean can be. All this and more will take place next fall session. Sea you there! $475
Take part in a science garden of preschool learning science weather activities. Make a windmill, parachute, and kite; and learn about the action of the wind. Study snow and see how many sides a snowflake has. Make a sock snowman and keep him as your pocket pal. Create an ice block design and see how water can change before your very own eyes. Work with UV beads and see what happens when they hit sunlight. Make a tornado in a bottle and see how amazing this force can be. Come on, join us and become a weather genius. $475
Do you want to work with the coolest machine on earth? If so, join the Cosmic Cove gang and learn about the human body. Learn about body defense weapons by making fake mucous and see how it traps germs in its path. Work with a UV glow lamp and see how quickly germs can spread from one person to another. Use bubble-ology to determine the amount of air that is stored in our lungs. Take part in the Taste Bud Olympics, and see if you can figure out which part tastes sweet, sour, bitter, or salty. Investigate bones, joints, and many other cool body parts this coming session. Don’t miss it!$475
We love Carmelo’s Cosmic Cove and everyone who works there! The after school classes are fun and educational and summer camp was a blast for my kids. Carmelo is great with kids and is able to connect with and direct even very young children. We miss you, Carmelo, and your staff!
My 2.5 year old loves it! A kid who would not let his nanny leave the room even for a minute in any of his other classes left her before she had her coat off in just the second class! He looks forward to it every week!