
open HOURS: Monday - Friday 8am - 6pm

Fees & Policies

The Fine Print

You must register your child before attending any classes. The yearly registration fee is $25. Payments are due the first day of each session. There will be a $15 late charge for late payments. There are no refunds.

Note: All prices are per session/per child.

Fall 2019

Ocean’s Blue (Ages 2-3) $475
Ocean’s Blue (Pre-K) $375
Superhero Science (K-2) $475
The Science of Comics (Grades 3-5) $475

Winter 2019 – 2020

The Science Weather Garden (Ages 2-3) $475
The Science Weather Garden (Pre-K) $375
Cosmic Kingdom (K-2) $475
Cove of Bio-diversity (Grades 3-5) $475

President’s Day Week Mini-Camp

Rock Mock (Ages 5-11) $600
Feb. 21st-24th (Tues-Fri), 9am – 3pm
Extended day: Tues – Fri, 3-5pm, additional $25/day

Spring 2020

My Body My Buddy (Ages 2-3) $475
My Body My Buddy (Pre-K) $375
3.2.1.. Blastoff (K-2) $475
Nasa Kids (3-5) $475


Cosmic Kingdom (Ages 5-11)
April 13th-17th Mon – Fri, 9am – 3pm
$600 per week/per child
Extended day: Mon – Fri, 3-5pm, additional $25/day

Summer 2020

$600 per week/per child


Sign up for science
2019 – 2020 Applications

Click the links below to download the registration forms.


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Science in the Summer!

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Have a question on enrolling your child?
Call us at - 718-722-0000

JOIN us Online!